In great anticipation of the three-hour class I signed up for, I arrived at the convention center thirty minutes early and started to search for the classroom. I must say that Stitches really has done a beautiful job at setting up information displays to help get you where you want to go. I entered my classroom, met a few classmates, pulled out my materials and anxiously waited. It was another one of those minutes feeling like hours moment, but then the instructor,
Gwen Bortner, began to speak. The class was called
Pattern Customization & the description basically stated that you would learn how to recalculate a pattern you love, to work with the yarn you love, just by utilizing a gauge swatch & a bit of math. Of course nobody ever wants to knit a gauge swatch or do math, especially me, but that must also be why the
sweater I knit DH did not fit very well. After this class I now understand why
making a gauge swatch is critical to success. This class well exceeded my expectations and not only did I learn a great deal of usable information, but it was presented in a straight-forward and organized manner with unexpected humor. Gwen was entertaining, informative and engaging. I hope to take another class from her in the future.

DH met me for lunch after my class and we purchased a ticket for him, so that he could experience "knitters shopping heaven" firsthand. Our first stop was the XRX/Knitters booth were they were promoting their latest book release:
Victorian Lace Today. As I started thumbing through this exquisite book, I not only appreciated the beautiful photography & stunning shawl patterns, but also realized that there are 40 patterns and the book was priced at only $29.95. I was quite shocked! I don't even knit lace and I thought it would be a perfect addition to my knitters library. In addition to this beautiful book though, most (if not all) the lace shawls from the book were displayed throughout the booth. Each shawl was a beautiful work of art and even though all the exquisite detail of each one made me feel a bit intimidated, I did notice that a few of the scarves in the book said "beginner".

As I was carefully examining each shawl, I realized that it was 1 pm and we had scheduled to meet up with
Lain. I have been corresponding with Lain via our blogs for almost a year and she was actually the person who left the
very first comment on my blog last year in April. Even though she has an amazing personality which shows through on her blog, she's even better in person. We had a wonderful time looking through the vendor booths flipping through books, fondling yarn, and chit-chatting about this and that, but the time passed by too quickly & she was off to a game for one of her beautiful children. She has the
cutest post about us all meeting which is funny & definitely worth reading! I know if Lain & I lived closer to each other, I'd have her knitting more & she'd have me scrapbooking!

I've debated off and on for quite some time about knitting the
Clapotis. It seems like everyone has been there, knit that, but it's a pattern I come back to time and time again. I never had the right yarn for the project though, and so it remained on the back burner. At the Brooks Farm booth however, they had TWO Clapotis on display each knit in a different yarn type. I showed it to DH & he immediately said he liked the one knit in their
Four Play yarn, a 50/50 wool and silk blend, and then proceeded to choose a colorway for me. The colors are definitely not in my typical wine palette, but I really do like them and I'm glad he talked me into purchasing it.

One of the best items of advice from my class this morning was to purchase a skein of yarn you think you love, knit a swatch with it and if you still love it, go buy the yardage you need for your project. Since I wasn't in love with the
yarn I used on DH's last sweater, I asked him to choose a skein/ball of yarn at the
WEBS booth and I'll knit it into a swatch at home for him to see. I told him if he still likes it, I'll order enough yarn to make him the sweater of his choice. He chose this skein of
Valley Yarns Colrain, a 50/50 blend of merino and tencel in a colorway named Majestic Blue. It's soft, has a beautiful sheen & is hopefully a dream to knit with.
As I wandered around looking at all the vendor booths, the Victorian Lace Today book kept sticking in my head and I decided that since it had left such an impression on me, that the best thing to do was just purchase it. As I started walking towards the XRX booth, I remembered seeing something about book signings. I wondered if this author was also signing so I checked my schedule and sure enough, she had signings scheduled most of that day. I located her last signing at 4:30 pm and figured we had a few minutes to get to that booth.

We arrived promptly at 4:30 at the
YarnDogs booth and there was only one woman ahead of me in line. I don't know what I was expecting, if anything, but this beautiful mature woman with a slim build was sitting before me and spoke in a soft English accent. I told her I'd never knit with lace weight yarn and that in fact I'd never knit any lace items, but that her book just captivated me and I was so surprised that such a beautiful book had been written with so many patterns for such a low price, that I knew I should own it. As she opened her book, she proceeded to tell me that her publishers didn't think the book would sell for a higher amount and she also implied to me that she wasn't happy with her publishers for underestimating the value of her work. She then started delicately flipping through the pages and shared with me the patterns that would be perfect for my first project. She took off one of her shawls and told me where she had found the original pattern for that particular lace edging and how it was only a partial pattern, and the history, and so forth. She mentioned that on one of the scarf photos it shows an edging that does not match the pattern in the book but that most of the edgings can be changed anyway.

At some point I realized that quite some time had elapsed and I looked behind me to find nobody waiting. ??? She kept speaking to me like I was the only person in the room. I basked in these moments with the author until we discovered that someone else was waiting for their book to be signed. I guess I couldn't complain though, since I had just spent about ten minutes talking to her and it is one of those once-in-a-lifetime things you never forget. I will treasure the moment and this book for my entire life.

After the book signing I was floating on cloud 9 and believed it couldn't get any better, but of course while I was looking through my bag of yarn when we arrived back at the hotel, I found a small blue box. I opened it and found an absolutely beautiful pearl & sterling silver bracelet from
Harlan Beads. I have no idea when or how DH managed to sneak away from me to purchase this, but him doing things like this for me are one of the millions of reasons why I love him! We finished off my perfect day with a lemon drop cocktail at the hotel bar followed by sushi for dinner. Unforgettable!
I had a similar experience with Jane Sowerby at Stitches - what a delightful woman! And an extraordinary book! Good luck with your first lace project, whatever it may be.
Thank you so much for taking the time and sharing your impressions and adventures of Stitches West with us - oh, I would *so* have loved to be there with you, it sounds like you had the most amazing time!
The class that you took must have been highly interesting - considering the fact that I'm having gauge issues at the moment with the sweater I'm knitting for CM, I would have joined this class immediately - I bet all that you learned there must come in so very handy sooner or later!
And how amazing that you got to meet and talk with Jane Sowerby, what a really friendly and warmhearted woman she seems to be! All the best of luck with your first lace project - but you'll see, it's not that complicated as it seems like - and it's highly addicting!
I am so jealous of your time with Jane Sowerby!
Aw, your husband is so sweet! And how thrilling that you got to spend so much time with Jane Sowerby.
(I noticed you're wearing your Argosy in one of the photos. It looks great!)
What an amazing day! It sounds absolutely perfect.
Thanks for sharing your Stitches experiences -- for those of us who can't be there, it's the next best thing!
I think it's so cool that your dh went with you too -- I'm pretty sure my dh would never do that!
All of your yarn purchases look awesome. I can't wait to see your Clapotis!!
How wonderful! Your post made me smile and feel like I was there all over again! It sounds as though you had a perfect day!
What a wonderful day! Fun seeing your friend Lain, getting that stunning book (I love mine, that's for sure), a nice chat with the author, wonderful yarn purchases, and a lovely bracelet from your darling man. Perfect!
I am so glad you had a wonderful time. It was fun to hear you recount your experience and I definitely hope to attend the next one. I think I will need to pick up the book! Sounds beautiful. What great yarn you bought!
Sounds like it was another wonderful day! How sweet your hubby is :)
What fun! Your hubby is a doll....
It sounds like you had the most wonderful time! Thanks so much for sharing all of your fun with us :)
Wow wow wow wow wow!!!! Your husband is so awesome. All that time with the Victorian Lace author!! What a dream day - I'm so happy you had such a wonderful time. And to answer your questions - yes, I do have FourPlay, I'm working on a Clapotis with it right now. :) But no, I don't have any Valley Yarns. Would you believe Webs is about 1 1/2 hours away from me, and I've never been. I need to change that SOON!!! (Then again, maybe I have too much yarn already.)
it all sounds like so much fun! Next year I will get there for sure.
Your husband is a keeper. :-)
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