- This is my very first adult knit sweater.
- I knit this in secret very late at night while DH was sleeping.
- I knit this without ever taking his measurements.
- I learned my lesson.

Pattern Source: Interweave Knits Fall 2006
Yarn: Tahki Kerry; 10 skeins #5011 black, 1 skein #5012 charcoal
Yarn Source: Webs
Needles: KnitPicks Options size 7 & 9 US 24" circulars
Notes: The pattern instructs you to work the sweater in the round from the base to the neckline, so I also decided to work the sleeves in the round using the 2 circulars technique. I'm not a huge fan of seaming, so this worked out very well for me. I worked on this sweater secretly while DH was either sleeping or at work since I gave it to him for Christmas ... BUT since I took no measurements, it was too small when he put it on (of course), so I had to block the hell out of it again, stretching it in ways that it didn't want to be nor should have been stretched. It fits him okay now, but it really didn't turn out as nice as I'd hoped.
I think it looks great for you first adult sweater! Mine was a disaster. We learn all sorts of lessons with our first sweaters...even with the first few. But yours really does look great. I love the colros you choose and fair isle trim. Be proud of your first sweater!
I think it looks gorgeous -- especially for your first adult sweater! Your Fair Isle looks perfect! That's too bad about the fit -- but it seems to have blocked out nicely.
One tip I've heard, if you can't get the person's measurements, but do have access to their clothes, is to get a similarly styled garment and take the measurements from that.
I'm really impressed that you were able to knit the whole thing in secret -- I don't think I'm that stealthy!
I think it looks very nice! I can't imagine making a sweater without measurements! But your blocking skills seem supreme! I'm impressed with your fair isle. And the colors do go well together. It looks very sophisticated.
I'm impressed. It's much nicer than my first sweater, certainly. Terrific job!
I understand the woes of not being happy with the finished fit, but the sweater in and of itself is beautiful! - and GREAT for a first sweater!
I think it looks great! You should have seen my first adult sweater - not for wearing in public!
I think it looks great! The Fair Isle patterning is quite nice.
I think this looks absolutely fantastic, especially as this is your first adult sweater, I'm impressed! The Fair Isle pattering looks so great too - congratulations on a really amazing accomplishment!
I think you did a wonderful job!! I can't believe that's your first adult sweater and also your first Fair Isle!! Don't sell yourself short - you did great.
I think it looks great! Especially that it's your first adult sweater and you took no measurements! It could have gone terribly, terribly wrong in so many ways. You deserve alot a credit! It looks comfy and stylish!
I'd say your first sweater is a success! It looks great.
I think it's lovely, though
It's just lovely! I understand about the non-consumer-friendly yarn issue, since I just used some stashed Tahki myself. But de-stashing is more important right now!
I think it's great. My first adult sweater is still in the stash, waiting to be frogged as it isn't even wearable. I hope your hubby was happy with it for your effort and suprise, plus, it really DOES look good! Maybe not as good as your next sweater will look, mine have gotten better with each effort, but you're being more critical because you knit it. The detail at the bottom is absolutely perfect, it looks so professional and adds just the right oomph to the sweater!
Hang in there! I bet he wears it a lot!
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