I know I've only been posting about twice a week and I mean to post more frequently, but to be honest, my health has continued to decline. I'm only 37 for heaven's sake and it feels like my body is trying to do me in. I could bore you with my pathetic list of symptoms and the Dr's initial diagnosis, but nothings for sure yet, so I'm just attending the various clinics for tests and should have more info in 2 weeks. Don't worry, it doesn't appear to be anything serious (like cancer), but I just wanted to share a bit of this with you because until I'm feeling better, I may not be posting as much, and I may not be commenting on your blogs as much.

Since I'd forbid myself to cast-on for socks until Molly's sweater was complete, and since I've been spending some time at Dr's offices and labs, I've been working on these dish cloths from the
Mason-Dixon ladies. I am trying to be a bit more conscious of the environment, so these will be replacing my kitchen sponges. I was really never worried about the sponge harboring bacteria since I only used it for a week and then tossed it, but then a light bulb went on. I've calculated that I've spent about $50 a year on sponges, and since I'm sure they aren't that great in the landfills, using these dishcloths should help in some small way. If you don't have the book but want the pattern, you can get it
Thanks to
Dave, he posted something regarding those of you kind enough to leave comments on blog posts. Seems that quite a few of us have been frustrated that we aren't getting the email addresses of our commenter's. Everyone thought it was the fault of the new Blogger, but I had issues even with the old Blogger. He was notified by
Lavendersheep that the new Blogger did NOT mess about with the ability to reply to comments but that the new Blogger DID mess about with your settings.
If your Blogger email address was public before, you've been reset to private. If you
edit your profile and check the box that says
show my email address, your email address will show up with the comment and restore reply-ability.

Did you see the latest edition of
Yarnival? My friend
Laura was the editor and she even included one of my blog posts. There are some pretty good articles in there, so make sure you check it out.

Speaking of Laura, yesterday I was able to spend a few hours with her sharing our new yarn acquisitions and completed knitting projects since we last met. You've got to take a look at her
Conwy socks. I was tempted to steal them, but then my brain kicked back in and I remembered I could probably just knit my own pair. I also purchased this lace weight yarn from her. Neither of us are sure what it is, but it's almost silk-like and I can't wait to make a shawl from it. For lunch, we went to an amazing German deli (Mattern's) to pick up sandwiches and beer, and although there was quite a wait for it, it was well worth it. We took the food and drinks back to Laura's house and got to sit outside on her patio and enjoy the view, the food, and the company. It was perfect! And where are the photos? I forgot to take them .. BAD BLOGGER!
This weekend I hope to be casting on for my next pair of socks, since I finally finished the Matinee Coat for Molly. My next post will have all the details.

Before I forget ... a million thanks to
Carole for sharing an invite with me to
Ravelry. It's the perfect thing for me to organize my stash, projects, needles, and such. I also love that I've met some new "friends" through it. If you read my blog and you're in Ravelry, make sure you link me as a "friend" so I can see who you are. If you're not on Ravelry and you've signed up, don't panic, you will be part of it very soon!