I can tell when I've been a "bad blogger" and haven't posted for awhile because I had to log in to blogger to write this post. Can I use a family visit last week as an excuse? Today I thought I'd share with you all the projects (I'm willing to admit) I have on my needles.
I've realized that since I'm going to freezing cold southern Idaho for a week in December, I may need some real winter knit-wear. So, I decided to design a scarf for myself. This is the Cable Wave Scarf and I'm using Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride Worsted in Prairie Fire although I've also test knit it in Malabrigo Worsted. I've *got* to add more of that to my stash!

My sister's birthday is in December and she requested a pair of fingerless gloves that convert to mittens. The pattern I'm using is
Urban Necessity from MagKnits Sept. 2005, but honestly I'm not in love with all the yarn end weaving that this project entails. I do love the Cascade 220 superwash wool though so that definitely helps. I must admit though that after trying these on multiple times, I think I need to rip these back and make them larger. Drat.

I'm unsure why I was so excited to cast on for these
Diamond Waffle Socks when I saw them in the last Knitty issue, but I think I cast-on in haste because I've not liked knitting these at all. I thought they'd be perfect for DH, but I've not liked the yarn (Cherry Tree Hill Supersock) nor the pattern and once I completed knitting the heel, I disliked the particular heel in the pattern, ripped them back, and threw them across the room. They've been sitting in time out ever since. Normally I love CTH Supersock, so that's odd, but maybe it's a bad combination of yarn and pattern. Regardless, since I've already done so much work on them, I'm going to pick them back up soon and maybe DH will have them in time for Christmas.
Tangled Yoke is completely knit and ready to be blocked. This is the first cardigan I've knit for myself (or anyone else for that matter), so I'm excited to almost have it finished. I suppose I should also be concerned about getting buttons too. Hopefully the next photo of this will be me wearing it.

I've had the
Drunken Bees socks in my queue ever since the day I saw the pattern on Domesticraft's blog site. Finally I received the perfect yarn (
Shibui Sock) and cast on. Can I just tell you that both the pattern and the yarn are exceeding my expectations. I'm in love!

I'm test knitting Laura's
South Seas Stole and loving every minute of it. In fact, all the above mentioned projects have been sitting in limbo since I cast on for the stole.

I already had the yarn in my stash which I coincidentally purchased from Laura a few months ago. I'm not sure what the yarn is comprised of, but it has very little, if any stretch to it, so I'm suspecting there is no wool. Maybe an Acrylic blend? I have no clue, but the finished fabric is beautiful. Finding the correct sized beads though that complemented the color was quite tricky though and luckily I've discovered (after 2 other stores failed to "wow" me) a wonderful store right by my house called
Brea Bead Works.

I've knit the entire length of the stole and am now working on the border, but have discovered I'm running out of yarn. Hopefully Laura has more I can sneak away from her while I distract her with a German beer and deli sandwich from Mattern's deli.
Thanks again for everyone's comments. If I didn't get to yours or your blogs recently, I'm sincerely sorry. My sister's family was here visiting last week and my fibro wasn't cooperating, so computer time was limited. Since this big desktop system won't fit on my bed or my comfy knitting chair, I think it may be appropriate to start researching laptop computers.